
Content creation is alot different these days then what it used to be. Did you know statistics actually suggest these days the  average person has an attention spam of about 3 seconds? If your content doesn’t catch there attention in that first few seconds, they’ll likely tune out and keep scrolling. Content you create over social media or on any platform in most cases needs to be snack-able valuable content. But what if I only have a really small amount of followers? Every page on the internet started with a small amount of followers. Building a following takes a lot of work, and patience. Most importantly you have to give people a reason to follow you in the first place. If you keep creating really valuable content and pushing it out regularly, people notice, and they follow. If your already creating content and your not receiving much engagement or following, it may be time to re-consider the content your putting out. Is it actually valuable? What content should i create? The #1 trending content at the moment is VIDEO. Video content is so much more engaging and much more effective on every platform out there. But, when creating content – most people dive straight onto the sales train. They to try to sell their products and services too hard. Stop selling! Its 2018 and nearly everyone hates being sold to these days. People literally hate even the term sales, or salesperson. Stop Selling! Think about the information you have to offer your audience that its important to them. What questions do you get asked regularly by your customers? Base your content around this. How regularly should I post on Social Media? In order to gain the best results possible from social media, you really need to be posting around 3-4 times a day. Now i know what your thinking! You don’t have time? Well I can offer you two suggestions. Hire someone to manage your social media platforms and post regular content or let me introduce you to Facebook’s scheduled posting feature. On your facebook page, if you select Publishing Tools from the top menu bar. You can actually schedule posts in here! Once a week, sit down for about 20 minutes and schedule your posts to post automatically at specific times.  The times I recommend are:
  • In the morning  – you want to catch the morning audience who scroll through social media before work.
  • Lunch Time – Almost all of us check our phones on our lunch breaks, and have a scroll through our social media
  • In The Afternoon – Catch people who have just knocked off work!
  • Dinner Time – Between the hours of 6pm-8pm are the best hours to post your best content!
Creating Video Content Statistics actually suggest these days that Amateur video content seems to get much higher engagement then videos that are created professionally. Why? because we all hate advertisements! Once people see a professionally made video, most of the time they’re brain says “its an ad” and they’ll scroll away. You might be quite surprised at how much more people react to content if its made just on your average smart phone. Creating video content for the first time is uncomfortable I know! Its only because you’ve likely never done it before. So here’s what i’m going to suggest! At night when your alone, think of a topic you want to make a video about. Sit in front of your phone and make video after video.  Look back on all your videos, look at the position of your camera, look at the movements you make, your eye contact, the scenery, the lighting.  Judge your videos, and try to improve them each video. You don’t have to post any of these, but at least your practising. Over time, once your happy with content, be confident & post it! No professional tennis player ever just picked up a tennis racket and became the Wimbledon champion the next day. As i was saying before, people these days seem to respond better to amateur content. They’re used to watching their friends on Instagram and Snapchat post silly videos all day. Slightly amateur but clever content is naturally perceived to this era as real and authentic. Did you know 80% of videos on social media are watched without sound? When creating videos on Facebook & Instagram you really want to use sub-titles. Creating subtitles yourself in most video editing software takes alot of time and its almost painful. I’m going to introduce you to a platform I use called Rev.  All you have to do is upload your video to the site, and they charge $1 per minute of video to add your subtitles for you.  Most of the time you will have to make a few changes to these subtitles because they do make mistakes, but they provide you with an online interface to make this easy to do. Creating Nice PDF’s & E-Books Creating nice documents or e-books can be challenging for alot of people if you don’t have a design background. Well let me introduce you to your new best friend Canva. This online platform is free, and helps you create really nice PDF documents, Facebook Cover images, Advertising Images, Business Cards, anything you like! And its all drag & drop and very easy to use.   How do you build a following by creating content? Content creation is alot different these days then what it used to be. Did you know statistics actually suggest these days the  average person has an attention spam of about 3 seconds? If your content doesn’t catch there attention in that first few seconds, they’ll likely tune out and keep scrolling. Content you create over social media or on any platform in most cases needs to be snack-able valuable content. But what if I only have a really small amount of followers? Every page on the internet started with a small amount of followers. Building a following takes a lot of work, and patience. Most importantly you have to give people a reason to follow you in the first place. If you keep creating really valuable content and pushing it out regularly, people notice, and they follow. If your already creating content and your not receiving much engagement or following, it may be time to re-consider the content your putting out. Is it actually valuable? What content should i create? The #1 trending content at the moment is VIDEO. Video content is so much more engaging and much more effective on every platform out there. But, when creating content – most people dive straight onto the sales train. They to try to sell their products and services too hard. Stop selling! Its 2018 and nearly everyone hates being sold to these days. People literally hate even the term sales, or salesperson. Stop Selling! Think about the information you have to offer your audience that its important to them. What questions do you get asked regularly by your customers? Base your content around this. How regularly should I post on Social Media? In order to gain the best results possible from social media, you really need to be posting around 3-4 times a day. Now i know what your thinking! You don’t have time? Well I can offer you two suggestions. Hire someone to manage your social media platforms and post regular content or let me introduce you to Facebook’s scheduled posting feature. On your facebook page, if you select Publishing Tools from the top menu bar. You can actually schedule posts in here! Once a week, sit down for about 20 minutes and schedule your posts to post automatically at specific times.  The times I recommend are:
  • In the morning  – you want to catch the morning audience who scroll through social media before work.
  • Lunch Time – Almost all of us check our phones on our lunch breaks, and have a scroll through our social media
  • In The Afternoon – Catch people who have just knocked off work!
  • Dinner Time – Between the hours of 6pm-8pm are the best hours to post your best content!
Creating Video Content Statistics actually suggest these days that Amateur video content seems to get much higher engagement then videos that are created professionally. Why? because we all hate advertisements! Once people see a professionally made video, most of the time they’re brain says “its an ad” and they’ll scroll away. You might be quite surprised at how much more people react to content if its made just on your average smart phone. Creating video content for the first time is uncomfortable I know! Its only because you’ve likely never done it before. So here’s what i’m going to suggest! At night when your alone, think of a topic you want to make a video about. Sit in front of your phone and make video after video.  Look back on all your videos, look at the position of your camera, look at the movements you make, your eye contact, the scenery, the lighting.  Judge your videos, and try to improve them each video. You don’t have to post any of these, but at least your practising. Over time, once your happy with content, be confident & post it! No professional tennis player ever just picked up a tennis racket and became the Wimbledon champion the next day. As i was saying before, people these days seem to respond better to amateur content. They’re used to watching their friends on Instagram and Snapchat post silly videos all day. Slightly amateur but clever content is naturally perceived to this era as real and authentic. Did you know 80% of videos on social media are watched without sound? When creating videos on Facebook & Instagram you really want to use sub-titles. Creating subtitles yourself in most video editing software takes alot of time and its almost painful. I’m going to introduce you to a platform I use called Rev.  All you have to do is upload your video to the site, and they charge $1 per minute of video to add your subtitles for you.  Most of the time you will have to make a few changes to these subtitles because they do make mistakes, but they provide you with an online interface to make this easy to do.