
Image Software

I think most people would agree that Adobe’s Photoshop would be your best for all image creation and editing. If you’re a beginner and you haven’t used it before, Photoshop can look a bit daunting at first. There are a lot of functions and menus and little things everywhere we may not know much about. I’ve been designing graphics for over 10 years and I still don’t know everything about it so don’t stress. The good thing is, you don’t need to know everything about it! You can do most of the basics relatively easily.
– If you get stuck and your not sure how to do something in Photoshop, you can always punch your question into Google. eg . ” how to add a background in photoshop”
– For free step-by-step tutorials on how to some cool stuff on photoshop. Visit


Video Editing

Apple’s iMovie app is a simple and easy app for all your basic video editing needs. It does what most of us need a video editing program to do. Chop, Trim, Adjust speed, Add sound, add text, export in a range of qualities & more. Only available on Apple devices.


Adobe Premiere Pro is the bees knees of video editing. I won’t list all its features but for now you can just assume it does practically everything.

However like most of the Adobe programs, its quite complex. Its hard to make a program that does everything an advanced user needs, but keep it simple enough for everyone else. Adobe seems to do a good job of this but you still may get confused. If so, you can always google for step-by-step guides on how to do things.



Google Drive is by far my favourite storage, backup & sharing system. When you sign up to Gmail (google email) for free, you get 15GB of drive storage for free, with upgradable storage available. One of the best features is that you can install the Google drive program onto all your computers, keep all your files on the drive, and choose which folders to share to each of your machines!


Quicktime is good for useful in many more ways then just viewing video files. If you ever need to record what your doing on your computer screen to perhaps show a client. You can do this aswell!



OBS (Open Broadcast Software) Is great for recording videos. I always encourage business owners to produce video content as much as  humanly possible. You can choose to bring in multiple camera feeds, screens on your computer, and audio sources. Then either save these as a movie file, or you can even stream from that program – live to youtube or facebook.